------------------------------------ - Wake of The Ravager Version 1.1 - ------------------------------------ 12/14/94 NOTE: DO ***NOT*** use save games created with ver 1.0 or 1.01 as problems will occur. -------------------------------------- GAME OR RULES CLARIFICATIONS: AD&D Dark Sun Campaign Game Rules CLASS RESTRICTION AND LEVEL LIMITS Just as in the traditional AD&D Game, there are restrictions to the classes available to a character, and the level to which he may advance, based on his race. Players and DMs familiar with the AD&D game will find that these restrictions are very different in DARK SUN campaign setting, however, because of the unusual nature of the demihuman races. Humans are always unrestricted in level advancement or class selection. The optional rule on Exceeding Level Limits is used when playing Wake of The Ravager. TABLE 3: RACIAL CLASS AND LEVEL LIMITS CLASS HUMAN DWARF ELF H-ELF H-GIANT HALFLING MUL THRI-KRN Cleric U 12 15 16 12 12 10 12 Druid U - - 14 - 12 12 16 Fighter U 16 14 U 16 12 U 16 Gladiator U U 10 U 14 12 U 15 Preserver U - 15 12 - - - - Psionicist U U U U U U U U Ranger U - 16 14 8 16 - 12 Thief U 12 12 12 - 16 12 - U: The character has unlimited advancement potential in the given class. Any #: A player character can advance to the maximum possible level in a given class. -: A player character cannot belong to the listed class. NOTE: In Wake of The Ravager, the maximum level advancement for any character is 15th level. This is a computer game restriction, not an AD&D restriction. EXCEEDING LEVEL LIMITS Demihuman characters with extremely high ability scores in their prime requisites can exceed the racial maximum levels. In cases where multiple prime requisites is used. The bonus levels available to a characters with high prime requisite scores are summarized on TABLE *. The additional levels listed in TABLE 8 are added to the normal maximum allowed, reqardless of what class or race is involved. TABLE 8: Prime requisite bonuses Ability Score Additional Levels 14, 15 +1 16, 17 +2 18 +3 19 +4 ----------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.02 GAME FIXES(bugs) 1) The game should no longer lock up when resting in the Pyramid. 2) The secret door to Mind Flayer Underdark should allow players to move freely between it. 3) The chest in the Sorrows will no longer change a character into a chest when the trap goes off. 4) Charmed or Fear will no longer stay on a character after combat. 5) The party will no longer disappear when moving through the caves of the Yaunti. 6) When you talk to Snaggle and give him the Potion of Heroism, you will now get experience for returning the potion only once. 7) Tapestry will no longer trap the character in one region while moving through the mosiac regions. 8) The volcano regions now show the correct overhead maps when entering the south and north wings. 9) The game should no longer crash when talking to the Tyrian guard in Tyr. 10) The game locking up when transfering regions should be fixed. 11) Music playing for 1-2 seconds (combat only) then stoping for same amount of time should be fixed. 12) The prayer spell works correctly. 13) The game speed can now be changed by sliding the top bar in the preference screen. 14) Saving Magnolia for the second time will no longer teleport the party off the screen. 15) The Umber Hulks will no longer act strange in combat, they should attack the party. 16) At the end of the game, the Lord Warrior will give his speech and combat will begin. 17) Game shouldn't randomly crash in combat. 18) When the party fixes the chandelier, the quest should continue. 19) Ranger characters will know accumulate over 1,440,000 experience. 20) When the pendant is brought to Dariya, the game will not freeze. SOUND CARDS For UltraSound users, we recommend MegaEM. Type MegaEM -roff, then EMUSET. This loads the SB Digitial effects. Since there is no MIDI music (just off the CD), this is the best solution. The PAS is not supported in Wake of The Ravager, we recommend that you emulate Soundblaster regular or one of the other soundblasters cards. CLARIFICATIONS Druids and Priests sphere of influence is denoted by color in the characters information screen. If the level is Red, then it is a Fire Druid, and so on.